JDI Construction

Quality structure development,
from start to finish.
JDI Construction — a team of contractors that specialize in the development of commercial and residential structures.
Their need was a fresh website and landing page design to better showcase their services, examples of their work and gain more inquiries for new projects. ​​​​​​​
Getting started
The project starts with wire-framing the pages to indicate placement of content. 
This process allows for the client to sign-off on page layout before the design process begins, making the whole process as efficient as possible.
Design exploration
After approval of page layouts, exploration of design elements began. 
An energetic color palette and modern typeface was chosen for a lighter, cleaner look. 
Icons were designed for visual representation of their services and stock photography was added to give more dynamic visuals. 
Color​​​​​​​ palette
Stock photography
Now bring it all together

Final steps begin by applying all design elements to the pages to achieve a consistent look. 
The outcome is a more solid designed site that's easy to navigate. While the strategically placed call-to-actions and form fields boost more inquires for projects.
And that's how it's done ✌️

how about another one?